About Us
Karibu Sana! We are Usambara Eco Tours. located in the beautiful mountain region of Usambara, in the North East Tanzania. Owned and operated by local Usambarians, Ally, Isaac, Anthony, locals who appreciate diversity and the preservation of the natural environment, they will gently guide you into this magical and sacred area.Based in the Mtae village, at the top of the mountains at the end of the road, Usambara Eco Tours are remote yet accessible. Situated 58 kms up an unpaved road from the old German capitol city of Lushoto, we love to welcome visitors from all over the world to share the spectacular beauty and our unique Wasambaa cultural treasures. Perched a mile high on a cliffs overlooking the Masaai plain, we are at the edge of the Shagayu Forest Reserve, one of the last remaining untouched cloud forests in the world.
Karibu Sana Usambaras!